April 27, 2010@8:34 PM

I am going to Yeah Show on May 1st with my piano teacher and 3 other friends (which are also her students). It's in the city in the Entertainment Centre and it will be EPIK^-^

Yeah Show is a kind of stand up comedy christian show. It's canto and it will be hilarious (:

GHEY i was gna wear my overalls to the show, but I just realised today that the button connecting strap to the actual shorts is broken ==" and I don't know if I can fix it >____<"

It shall be cold on saturday, and I don't know what to wear O_O" gaygaygaygay ._.
YEAYEA and we're planning on taking caps in city after the show (Y) We'll get home so late @_@

Denise is back from China!!! I can't believe she dyed her hair ): I wanna dye my hair; denise is a fobby bobby now 8D

At piano theory on friday, Dot FINALLY brought in "the Watertower" by Gary Crew; a scary picture book...

You may think "Eww... it's a picture book" or "that's ghey and childish" but you have to read this!!! 

"The book tells the story of Spike and Bubba, two teenagers who explore the town's mysterious watertower: an egg-shaped tank with iron-rusted legs, standing on Shooter's Hill and casting an immense shadow over the valley and Preston Beach. Its origins and purpose are not made clear in the book. The narrative weaves an intriguing mystery which is left unresolved and ambiguous at the end of the story" - Wikipedia

To actually get the horror of this book, we had to read it a few times and by the end of reading this book and the sequel "Beneath the surface"we were going O_O"

But anyway, today was the ANZAC day holiday, and being the lazy person I am, I didn't do much. except go out for jap food in the restaurant nearby (: I was so full; i still am kinda... but I had a eel rice (which had a really long piece of eel and some rice) and a little bowl of udon noodle; i love jap food (L)

On the way home, I bought a coconut drink thing; i don't know if you've ever had this before; but I love this; I used to always buy it when I was little but yes I still like it anyway >.<

yummy shit^^ and yes I eat in front of my computer coz I love it too much (Y)

April 25, 2010@11:21 PM
I heard this song in MTV when I was in GZ; then I saw this on baidu and I was like OMG it's that song :O

CRYSTAL MUST LISTEN TO THIS; iono I liked this song; you MIGHT like it @_@

the guy is so cute ><
>edit< i just wikipediaed 'him' and found out 'he' is a girl T_T DISAPOINTED =="

琴鍵那麼重 我用技巧去彈奏
情緒那麼濃 我該用甚麼去快樂
隱密到最後 在我失去了以後終於懂得
追夢若是片寬闊天空 只是我從沒抽離過

吉他那麼重 我已無力去彈奏
不想作什麼 誰能陪我清唱那首歌
不是我不懂 擁抱之後總是難以去承受

怎麼開始忘了 我 還能微笑
怎麼開始忘了 我 還有心跳
那些黑色的玩笑 沒有受傷不會好
我們還在找 自己的生存之道

流言傳來傳去 不知何時平息
該如何去面對 那不重要

琴鍵那麼重 我用技巧去彈奏
情緒那麼濃 我該用甚麼去快樂
不是我不懂 擁抱之後總是難以去承受

怎麼開始忘了 我 還能微笑
怎麼開始忘了 我 還有心跳
那些黑色的玩笑 沒有受傷不會好
我們還在找 自己的生存之道

流言傳來傳去 不知何時平息
該如何去面對 那不重要

怎麼開始忘了 我(你) 還能微笑
怎麼開始忘了 你(我) 還有心跳
那些黑色的玩笑 沒有受傷不會好
我們還在找 自己的生存之道

流言傳來傳去 不知何時平息
該如何去面對 那不重要

@7:07 PM
note to crystal: it wasn't a dream coz my grandma heard it too xP

ok. So i woke up in the middle of the night and I heard this woman opera kind of voice singing "God Save the Queen" I was like WTF and sat up and listened; after she finished, there was this man voice speaking and after that, the woman sang "God Save the Queen" AGAIN...

it sounded like something you'd hear in the afternoon at a show, where there's a host speaking and someone singing; it was velly loud like I was there but it obviously sounded like someone singing out of a microphone :/ freaky *shudders*

It took me ages to sleep again, coz it sounded kinda scary like a ghost singing, but ANYWAY (: 

it's sunday and I had chinese school, and it was noisy today; I gave them their souveneirs, but one of the guys didn't want it so I gave it to the teacher :DD but yes, and then my friend took this bag of lollies out; it was from the Easter show; it was velly yummy (Y)

and yes I finally finished my new template the denise way (but a noober version) I didn't use Psycho template generator but I got a pre-made template from komie - "raindrops" and drew a new picture on photoshop and changed the colours; it took me A LONG TIME coz I had to make the pictures and work out how the colours worked; it took me about 3 hrs last night and 1 hr today T_T I know...I'm a noob >_>

Tomorrow's ANZAC holiday and I was gonna stay home and watch dramas or something; but my gran wants me to go out and buy stuff with her; GHEY =="

denise should be back tomorrow; I'd laugh if she went to school ;DD

April 24, 2010@9:34 PM
I shall be changing blog layout soon but first I have to think of what picture to do it about; think of one for me, crystal?

or a theme?

@9:33 PM
I am actually listening to a disney song right now^^ CHYEAH because I'm a kid but yerh it's so nice >.<

AIYAH it was the first ten minutes of school and I was already sick of it ==" I had like 11 excersizes of maths I had to do and I hadn't prepared for my essay and everything was all over the place *-*

but yes now here I am blogging and NOT doing my maths homework >_>
naah..I'll do my homework after I finish (:
but anyway, school was ghey and such a hole and north shore is still better

Joyce has finally started north shore; but she said only for two weeks; GHEY

We had fun with the maths teacher like we always do and joyce is actually doing ok (Y)

tmrw is Sunday and I have chinese school; I have to bring them their souveneirs; on the topic of souveneirs I had actually bought 12 hats for everyone and 2 for myself and 2 others for relos:

hehe pro-ness; my one and my relo's ones aren't there though...

It's a long weekend this week because of ANZAC holiday (:

*sigh* didn't have enough time until now to blog TT_TT

anyway i shall talk about china first hehehe

the main reason I went back this time was because we bought a new house in HK and we had to do the whole contract stuff and yerh i love china^^                           

i DO have pictures of my house but they're weird so no i shall not put them up...

We went to 九龙城 to eat 牛肉饼 (beef bun thingy) and it was velly velly yummy^^

if you ever go to HK you HAVE to com here:

清真牛肉館Hong Kong龍崗道 1 號2382 28222382 1882
we also had some jap food somewhere in fanling; and shanghainese food in shatin (:
and yerh on the last day-ish i bought a new fone (FINALLY) har har
It's a Softbank Samsung 740SC white:
