October 7, 2012@3:30 AM
It is technically Sunday right now.......so school is starting again tomorrow TTATT

I really need to study this time ==" I really need to get my shit together ==" I WANNA COSPLAY NEXT YEAR DAMMIT :'( I even bought red shorts for chopper :( since my ones were....... hrmm..... dodgey

And I said I would read a book these holidays.......;A;

I went to the beach on Thursday with my gran and dad but I was an idiot == Didn't think it would really be that hot so I wore mid sleeved shirt and legging ==" I was melting D: but we sat in the shade near the beach so it was nice and breezy :')

We went to high tea yesterday since my mom actually got these coupons. It was......not that nice actually D: It was a rip-off D: and the service is crap, but anyway when we finished we sat there for a while and then a huge group of people came in and my dad started laughing. So I asked him why he was laughing.
Dad (in chinese): stupid peope. So many stupid people.
so mean :')

Anyway spent these two nights on synchtube with friends :L So much more fun watching videos at the same time as other people even if it's just music videos ^^

Anyway I shall sleep now ._. it's 3.30 am now since it's daylight saving Q_Q
