April 1, 2012@12:25 AM

Hello. It's been a while. lol. I've been just plain lazy. I know. But I was busy too-ish. So much has happened.

I finally cosplayed for the first time IT WAS SO FUNN!!!! Cosplaying is addictive :/ Seeing all the super pro cosplayers make you want to be as pro as them. I need to find myself a nice purple wig when I go to China :/ and maybe nice bottom falsies....and blue/purple contacts and dolly wink eyeliner cos all the other ones smudge on my retarded eyes $_____$

....and hair dye x____x
omo I need a job~

Another thing that's making me busy lately. I caught up to Skip Beat a few weeks before and I started reading HunterXHunter since I was like meh the anime finished at such a cliffhanger might as well read the manga. FUUUUAAAHHH IT'S SO GOOD OMG SO MUCH MORE DETAIL THAN THE ANIME...so much more graphical scenes ;D Anyway I can't put it down once I start dammit ==" I need to download as many chapters as possible before I go to Hong Kong so I can read it on the plane or whenever I'm bored :L

Anyway I should sleep now. I can't believe I just spent an hour on 9gag.... give me back my soul please? :(
