September 28, 2010@10:25 PM

aishh this holiday is so boring ==" nothing to do ._. i want to watch something...not sure what's on :O Anyone know any movies?


Woke up at 8.30 again today and couldn't get back to sleep :x AIYAH and my hair was REALLY wavy and curly TTATT then I tried straightening it but then my ends looked like they were dying -___-" fml why couldn't I have nice straight hair D:

and I regret getting my hair more layered ._. should've waited till layers grew out so it's nice and straight but NOOO I'm a stupid idiot and wanted to get it super layered =___= aishh =="

Then went food shopping with my gran again. I swear I'm gonna get so fat this holiday x__x I bought caramel pudding and a chocolate yoghurt thing :P and also this asian 'young coconut meat in syrup' It's so YUMMY @_@ Was just nomnomnoming away and when I finished, my mouth was all cool and nice; so nice on a hot/warmish day (Y) Straight after that my dad made us pizza :D Yea I feel like a glutton -.-

Went to piano lesson after that. Was so screwed because I completely forgot I had to learn scales @_@ i hate scales ==" but yea it wasn't actually that bad though. Still survived it somehow (H)

I am trying to skin but I too lazy to even type nowadays o.o But yes I should be finished tomorrow :D

LOL according to dad, I'm going to IKEA tomorrow :L IKEA HOTDOG (L)(L)
