September 16, 2010@11:57 PM
ARARKLJHLKJHADS I'm so tired TT^TT Just finished my romeo and juliet crap thing and ALSO the new skin I was working on @_@ I'm lacking sleep -___-

But yes I have finished a new skin; not very good but I'm ditching this totoro one...hmmm might upload it :S

But yes had piano today :( dayum teacher was back from her holiday D: But on happier note, she brought me back some sugus lollies for souv :L:L I love that shiz :K

Anyway Ima go sleep now~ It's 12 already right now ==" I've been sleeping at 12 for the past few days .___. I should really stop or my eyes will just turn into this massive black bulge of shit but yes OYASUMII!!
