June 3, 2012@12:43 PM

I haven't even watched Waku Waku Gakkou yet...... I feel like such a bad fangirl...... since all I've been final fantasy 9-ing and reading Naruto all week :L and nothing else :'D

Oh well, although I gave up on watching Naruto Shippuuden, I remember why I used to be obsessed with Naruto ages ago :L ahh the memories :')

I went to Grill'd with usagi-chan yesterday and omgooooooooooooooooooooosh it was so nice :OOOOO
Then we chilled at our pool afterwards. I wore leggings that day jsut so I could roll them up and put my feet in the spa XD but her jeans were skinnies so LOLOLOLOL by the end, she didn't even care and just put her feet in along with her jeans :L

It was still kinda early so we went to her house afterwards and watched the Voice alone with her mom and their roomate :) omg her mom is so funny and awesome XD

I shall run along now....to figure out why my iPad won't connect to my computer =="
and continue reading naruto :3
