May 19, 2012@1:51 AM

I should sleep. LOL just had a LOL session after a long period of 'I can't be bothered to get my mouse' or 'I can't be bothered to get my laptop'

haha although we lost 2 of the matches, it was fun :) omg I feed so much ==" I need to play more to level up D: Why am I just so naturally so shit at gaming :( I wish I was more pro.....

Anyway it was strike today^^ I got to sleep in although we still had to go to school. It was so pointless since it felt so short :L

Oh and my jap buddy emailed me ^^ shuuu happy :3 I hope my reply made sense :3

Anyway I've been sitting in the same position and chair for the past 3 hours and my back and eyes hurt.

sleep, now , i shall.
