February 1, 2011@10:00 PM

We went to burwood to have a picnic today :L Our group has 11 people but when it last-minute changed it from darling harbour to burwood. I thought about 6 people (including me) would go, so I got my gran to make me 6 tofu bags to bring. Guess what? 7 people went in total. But I bought another little box of little sushi rolls so it was good :D

Today was boiling! We found a shady-ish spot under a tree next to a little pond and sat there to eat. After eating we played a few games a fed a few ducks and took a few photos until we just couldn't take the heat, so we decided to go into Westfield, where there is AIR-CON~~

We walked around for a long time. A few of my friends bought something but I didn't want to buy anything yet, because after that, I went market city to buy a new iPhone case. BUT NO, Paddy's market was closed and all the nice looking ones in market city are either for iPhone 4 or over $15 T.T which is expensive for broke little me.

Crystal had her galaxy world cards so we went crazy in Galaxy world. It was the first time I saw someone with so much mony on their galaxy world card $_$ gamer :L

First day of school today. Oh kill me now!

I have the same maths teacher. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- yea, that's how much I hate her. And I have maths tomorrow ==" I HATE HER HATE HER HATE HER HATE HER HATE HER HATE HER HATE HER. okay. yep.

Well, a few of the teachers were cool and i still have some classes with my brother, denise :) missed you darling

We have senior uniform this year :D Finally ditched the tunics! Although it's a skirt, it's so thick there's not much difference. And mine is so frikkin long. Need to grow taller 8D

I was really tired today when I got home so I was lying on the sofa and I fell asleep ;D Woke up at like 6 and realised I needed to practise piano T.T I didn't have homework so I went and covered 4 of my books. Maths book failed. BADLY ._.

Anyway I'm gonna go take a cold shower and sleep now. Bye darlings.
