October 30, 2010@6:14 PM
Hello darlings I have skinned

So, I haven't blogged in a while. I've been busy...and very sleepy 8)

When I got home from school on Thursday, I took a shower, dried my hair and went and took a nap because I've been up till 1 lately 'studying'...and tumblring, so I thought I'd award myself with a nap. But yes, so my gran woke me up to have dinner and after dinner I practised piano, because I just had a commerce test on Thursday, and I thought, "MEH no homework".

Then, denise sent me a text asking me if what the science article (that we had to find) was supposed to be on...

I thought...crap, there was science -o-

So, I actualy finished it in like 30 minutes, but I thought I'd go on the computer for a while longer, since I took a nap that day. But time flied by, and before I knew it, it was 12.30 =="

I woke up feeling very much dead...

So on friday, I took another nap, but this time, after I ate dinner, I went back to sleep 8DDD
That was kinda the first time I slept earlier than 9 in so long! I felt so alive this morning :D

That was kinda my week :)

I left a bit early to meet up with 3 other people who went to my tutor :) I met up with one of them outside my apartment and then we walked to mandarin centre together. We sat down, and she took out her laptop and guess what? :D Yes, we started taking luvos with the webcam ;DD

Then, one of the guys that we were meeting up with, saw us and shook his head...

Apparently guys don't take pictures with their webcams? O_O
We be no lifes ._.

After the four of us went to get Easyway, they tried to shoot pearls at us but we were smart children :) We hid (Y) Then, our maths teacher saved us HORHORHOR :]
