June 29, 2010@10:49 PM
WAHAHAHA I finally bothered to cover my maths book :D my new one...

I kinda stuffed it up at first though; the contact was so smooth and straight that it stretched too much on the book and make the book bend >_> yea...i epik failed it ._.

Then, my dad came in, saw it and put on that you-suck-i-pity-you look and walked out of my room with my book and fixed the contact for me^^ without a ruler like the noob me.

Yea, my dad's back :L I forgot he was coming back today so when I got home and heard this man voice behind me call my name, I was thinking, "What the shit?!" but yea... i realised it was him ;DD

Also, I sent a message to the f(x) new miracle site so maybe they'll let me join; I'm making icons^^

I'm such a noob icon maker. I see all those pro people and I think...*facepalm* i suck :'(

Well, my laptop ran out of battery so I was uberly bored in geo and english and science. But fear not, I shall charge it tonight so I won't be bored tomorrow *mr.hoho*
