I was good girl this week =w= I haven't watched ANY asian dramas yet....

I've been watching to much anime =="

There is an english report research task thingy that is due on Tuesday ._. I haven't started yet orz

But yes,let's not let the ghey stuff make us sad 8) Today is a 'not rainy' (not sunny either) day and my friend's coming over hehe^^ AND i still have to do my chinese homework >_>
I have been abandoning cheeseontoast lately because I can't find inspirations to take pictures @_@ and I don't really feel like using papertissue photos ToT

SO I have set myself something to do tonight I shall look for something and take pictures and tumblr and cheeseontoast it >:D if I can be bothered 

哇哈哈哈!look what I found :D

My net died for a while when I was reading manga non-stop; it probably couldn't take loading all those pics @_@ so I went on the website that provided it and downloaded like crazy >:D >>>potato-otaku has kaichou wa maid-sama<<<

my poor net :DD

I shall go now and see if i can find something to take a picture of O_O 拜拜 ^-^
