December 7, 2009@9:10 PM
Duffy that stupid peking duck can go die in a hole ><

Made us watch that boring video; why so enthusiastic, man; it's not that interesting ==" and just when i was trying to finish my jap diary, she goes "girls, i know that you're not taking notes so pens down"... oh god! how ghey can she get @_@

stupid AMEB grade songs are ghey; espesh group B - they're all at least 12 pages long >< I DONT WANT TO MEMORIZE 12 PAGES; sheesh

can't wait till friday; school's so boring and it's the last week; i cant even be bothered to concentrate anymore; i nearly fell asleep in history coz it was so BORING...

came across this really funny video; you should watch it^^

still trying to finish off my jap; stupid diary; why couldnt she make it due on thursday ._.
