November 2, 2009@10:12 PM
i cbb write too much today ==" i finished tests todays^^; happy me; still have to catch up on science work thought; damn that duffy you PK; swapped seats today so crys and susie stayed where they were and i just went to join them; they were prolly too lazy to move ._. trying to look for new blogger layout generator; psycho's getting boring -o- lol; i was just reading someone elses blog; they said that if you drop toast (L) with butter, it will always land on the butter side - and if you drop a cat, it wll always land on its feet; then he/she asked ... what if you glued toast on the back of a cat? how will it fall? answer = it doesnt. I will keep on rotating and rotating chortle. and yes i read stranger's blogs coz im a bothered child |